Da Vinci.

Education for highly gifted
children with special needs

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Da Vinci Education.

In the framework of the law pertaining to differentiated education, we offer Da Vinci Education. This is directed towards the highly gifted child with special needs.

The Da Vinci Education is based on the 7 challenges of Tijl Koenderink. The Da Vinci children work in modules based on these challenges, combined with the regular education. During these modules they work on the development of a positive attitude to life (self confidence, Growth mindset) and skills (executive functions, mental and
research skills).

At the Da Vinci lessons the children have their own learning goals and a portfolio, in which they become the owner of their own development (among these, “learn to learn”). For the Da Vinci Education we regularly invite external guest tutors for lessons, such as an official (KNSB-) acknowledged chess trainer or guest tutor(s) for programming. In conjunction with the teachers of the Da Vinci Education we also have a feedback group for Da Vinci, in which parents can take part. They have the interests of the Da Vinci students at heart.

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More Information.

OBS Passe-Partout offers education with a curriculum, based on the curriculum of SLO (http://tule.slo.nl/) of which our starting points are multiple intelligences and focussing on the specific talents of the children.

For the gifted child and the highly gifted child without any special needs, we offer Minerva Education in which students receive challenging top-down education, in stead of bottom-up education, within their regular group. The Minerva students are students who score highly and have characteristics such as good social skills, independence, creative thin king, a good attitude towards work and task completion. They are challenged to work in a different way. These students are offered the learning content in a compact form, in order to have more time for deepening and broadening of the learning content.

The Da Vinci education is intended for gifted children with a care need (for example, if there is a discrepancy in verbal and performance intelligence, or another minor disorder). We have an internal alert for children who are already in our school from grade 1/2.

For children who come from other schools we ask to prove this by means of a test.

With young children in groups 1 to 4 we speak of the Columbus group, because it is not yet possible to determine in this age whether it is a highly gifted child or a child with a development advantage.
We want to discover that and adjust education to the educational needs of the child.

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